Hearts Of Iron 4 Manual

2020. 9. 21. 14:22카테고리 없음

Jul 06, 2016  Hearts of Iron IV Video Game. Genre: Strategy developer: Paradox Development Studio publisher: Paradox Interactive platform: PC Hearts of Iron IV is the next installment of the popular strategy game series in which the player conducts the politics of one of the countries from the war and interwar period – the timeline of the game is set between 1936 and 1948. Hearts of Iron IV is a grand strategy wargame that primarily revolves around World War II. The player may play as any nation in the world in the 1936 or 1939 start dates in singleplayer or multiplayer, although the game is not designed to go beyond 1950. A nation's military is divided between naval forces, aerial forces, and ground forces. Jun 09, 2016  If you want a step by step description of all the major mechanics in HOI4, this is the video for you. We spend a few hours going over all the major mechanics. This guide is intended to help players make that next step. It assumes a few things. You have a basic understanding of how things work in the game. You under-stand movement, can read tooltips, know what the fundamental terminology is, and so on. You do not already have hundreds of hours of time in Hearts of Iron IV, in. “Hearts of Iron 4 wields complexity like a swift armor division during the blitzkrieg, allowing it to serve the idea of layered, cerebral, strategic warfare instead of letting it needlessly bog down the experience.” 9/10 –.

A correction note: The page numbers in the below list differ by +2 in relation to the printed manual. So for example 'Industrial Capacity' is shown as being on page 7, but it actually is on page 5 in the manual. So mentally adjust the numbers accordingly.

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Section Page
Advanced Air Strategies 94
Advanced Comand Organisation: HQ and Leadership 78
Advanced Land Combat Overview 77
Advanced Land Combats 77
Advanced Naval Strategies 88
Air and naval combat 13
Air Bases 90
Air Combat 92
Air Combat and Air Missions 91
Air Combat Modifiers 94
Air Force Overview 88
Air Force Types 89
Air Supperiority Mission 92
Air Supply 66
Air Wing Deployment, Supply, Reinforcement and Upgrades 91
Air Wing Details 89
Airborne Assault Mission 93
Alliances: Offer Alliance/Bring to Alliance/Join Alliance 51
Amphibious Assault 87
Annex Nation 55
Anti-Submarine Warfare 87
Appointment of Ministers 45
Ask for Military Access/Cancel Military Access/Revoke Military Access 53
Assume Military Control/Relinquish Military Control 52
Ataching/Detaching Carrier Air Groups (CAGs) 82
Attaching Brigades 65
Attack 87
Attacking an Attacker 75
Attrition 65
Basic Air Movement 91
Basic Army Movement 67
Basic Combat Resolution 70
Basic Land Combat 69
Basic Naval Combat 84
Basic Naval Movement 83
Belligerence 48
Bomb Convoys Mission 93
Brigade Types 59
Broad Front Defensive Counter-Attack initiatives 79
Building provincial assets and using the 'quick orders' button 33
Cabinet and Ministers 45
Cancel Non-Aggression Pact 53
Cancel Trade Agreement 50
Cancelling and reassigning a project 30
Carrier Air Group (CAG) 80
Carrier Airbase Strike 87
Carrier Port Strike 87
Changing the game options 15
Combat 12
Combat Events 73
Combat: The Art of War 56
Combining Air Wings into Squadrons 91
Command, leadership and experience 10
Complex Land Combat Overview 74
Consumer goods 38
Context-sensitive information 24
Convoy Raiding 87
Convoys 39
Coup Nation 54
Credits / exit 17
Declare War 54
Defences and fortifications 11
Demand Territory 53
Deploying Divisions form the Force Pool 65
Deploying Flotillas from the Force Pool 82
Deploying military forces and rockets 35
Deploying unassigned provincial assets 35
Diplomacy - International Affairs 47
Diplomacy and trade 8
Diplomacy Overview 47
Diplomatic Mapmode 28
Disband 67
Dissent and partisans 8
Dissent and partisans 46
Division Details 59
Division Types 58
Domestic policies and government 8
Domestic policy 43
Domestic Policy Overview 43
Economic Mapmode 27
End of Combat 73
End of Naval Combat 85
Enemy Occupation of a Port or Base 86
Energy 36
Entrenchment: Digging in 69
Envelopment and Multiple-Front Attacks 75
Envelopment, Encirclement and Supply 79
Events 19
Exchanging Fire 71
Field Comand Details 61
Field Officer Traits 63
Field Officers 62
Fleet Details 81
Flotilla Details 80
Flotilla Types 79
Flying Bombs and Rocket Bombs 95
For beginning players 5
For HOI players… What's new? 6
Force Composition Effects 85
General overview 42
General Overview 56
Getting started 5
Governmet 45
Ground Attack Mission 92
Guarantee Independence 52
IC allocation, production and gearing bonuses 7
Implementing new technology 30
Industrial capacity 7
Industrial capacity (IC) and IC allocation 37
Influence Nation 51
Infrastructure 7
Initiating Basic Land Combat 69
Initiating diplomacy 49
Initiation of Naval Combat 84
installation 5
Installation procedure 5
Installation Strike Mission 93
Interdiction Mission 92
International trade summary 39
Introduction 5
Introduction 79
Keeping up to date 5
Key concepts 6
Launching the game 5
Launching the game 15
Leader Traits 81
Leader Traits 90
Leadership 81
Leadership 90
Leave Alliance 52
Liberate Nation 53
Logistical Strike Mission 93
Main Map Overview 20
Manpower 37
Message boxes 18
Metal 36
Modifiers That Affect Battle 72
Money 37
More Complex Land Combat 74
Move 87
Movement is attack for land battles 12
Multiplayer games 15
Multiple Attacking or defending Field Commands 74
National Relationships 47
National resources 35
National transport Capacity (TC) 39
Natural resources 7
Naval and air basing 11
Naval Combat Overview 84
Naval Combat Patrol 87
Naval Combat Resolution 84
Naval Interdiction 87
Naval Orders 86
Naval Orders Interface 86
Naval Orders Overview 86
Naval Strike Mission 92
Naval Supply 82
Navigating the main map 20
Occupation of an Air Base 94
Occupation of Enemy Territory 74
Offer Non-Aggression Pact 52
Offer Trade Agreement 49
Oil 36
Open Negotiations 50
Orders 13
Organisation and entrenchment 10
Other Nations' Domestic Policies and Cabinets 47
Other Nations' Domestic Policies and Ministers 46
Out-Of-Supply Effects on Naval Combat 85
Overseas Supply 66
Overview 31
Overview 69
Overview 94
Overview 94
Overview of Force Structure and Field Comands 57
Partisan and occupation effects on resources and industrial capacity 37
Partisan Mapmode 28
Placing a production order 32
Political Mapmode 27
Port Strike Mission 93
Ports and Naval Bases 81
Preparation and support of the military 9
Production 38
Production orders and the production Queue 31
Production Runs 32
Province Defensive Structures 69
Province name 21
Province ownership and control 21
Provinces 21
Provincial assets 23
Provincial borders and crossing points 23
Quick build buttons 25
Rare materials 36
Rebase 86
Rebase 93
Rebasing a Fleet 83
Region and Area Mapmode 28
Reinforcement 67
Reinforcement, Upgrading and obsolescence 82
Reinforcements 38
Release Puppet 53
Research Projects 29
Ressource depots 41
Right click menus 20
Right-click provnce menu 25
Runway Cratering Mission 93
Sea Transport 87
Selecting a nation 15
Selecting a scenario or save game 14
Selecting and Assigning a Project 29
Selecting and Combining Flotillas 82
Selecting and Organising Field Comands 63
Selecting and Using a Statistics Sub-Folder 56
Selecting Research teams 28
Send Expeditionary Force 52
Shore Bombardment 87
Shortcut Keys 64
Single player games 14
Softening Up the Enemy 78
Special Orders: Anti-Partisan Duty 76
Special Orders: Garrisons 76
Special Orders: HQ Divisions 77
Special Orders: Marines 76
Special Orders: Mountaineers 77
Special Orders: Paratroopers 77
Special Orders: Reserves 76
Special Orders: Support Attack 75
Special Orders: Support Defence 76
Spheres of influence 49
Squadron Details 90
Staggered Attack Strategy 78
Statistics Overview 56
Status overview 17
Strategic Bombardent Mission 93
Strategic Redeployment 68
Strategic redeployment and the force pool 13
Sue for Peace 54
Supplies 36
Supplies 38
Supply Chains 66
Supply Mapmode 27
Supply, outfitting and transport capacity 9
System Requirements 5
Targeting 94
Technical Support 96
Technolgy sumary 31
Technology 9
Technology Overview 28
Terrain 21
Terrain mapmode 26
The Active Combats hot button 26
The Air Force as a Hammer 94
The Air Force as a Leveller of Nations 94
The Air Force on Defence 95
The Air Force Used Indirectly 95
The Air Forces 88
The Air forces hot button 25
The Bomb 95
The Chief of Staff 46
The Chief of the Air Force 46
The Chief of the Army 46
The Chief of the Navy 46
The convor management and convoy Details interface 40
The date/pause button 18
The democratic - Authoritarian slider 43
The diplomacy folder 42
The Engine of war 7
The fog of war 13
The folder tabs 17
The Force Pool hot button 26
The Foreign Minister 45
The Free Market - Central Planning Slider 43
The game management menu button 18
The Gearing bonus 33
The general interface 17
The Hawk Lobby - Dove Lobby Slider 44
The Head of Government 45
The Head of Military Intelligence 46
The Head of State 45
The History Log 28
The Hot buttons 25
The Intervensionism - Isolationism Slider 44
The Land Forces 57
The land forces hot button 25
The main map folder 20
The main menu 14
The Mini Map and Mapmode buttons 26
The Minister of Armament 45
The Minister of Security 45
The Naval Forces hot button 26
The Naval Forces hot button 79
The Open Society - Closed Society slider 43
The Plitical Left - Political Right slider 43
The production folder 31
The production queue 34
The province hot button 25
The Standing Army - Drafted Army Slider 43
The Statistics Folder 56
The Technolgy Folder 28
The Three Factions: The Allies, The Axis and The Comintern 48
The top bar 17
Time of Day and Weather Effects on Naval Combat 85
Timing Your Attack 70
Tool tips 19
Transport Capacity and Supply Efficiency 65
Transporting Paratroopers 68
Transporting Troops on Ships 68
Troops Mix, Terrain and Weather 77
Tutorials 17
Upgrades 38
Upgrading 67
Victory 6
Victory point value 21
Victory Points Mapmode 28
Visibility 84
Visibility 94
Weather 22
Weather and Time of Day Effects on Air Combat 94
Weather Mapmode 27
Weather, terrain and time of day 12
Retrieved from 'https://hoi2.paradoxwikis.com/index.php?title=Manual_index&oldid=948'

This unofficial guide for Hearts of Iron IV contains all necessary information helpful during the first hours of the game. It also contains useful advices related to all aspects of the game's campaign.

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In separate chapters of the guide you will find information about specific scenarios available in the game. Each chapter presents gameplay differences and gives you advices helpful in starting the campaign and being successful in the global conflict. In the guide you will also find description of most interesting nations selected by the developers and helpful advices related to selecting a side of the conflict.

Other chapters focus on all basic parts of the gameplay. Politics and diplomacy chapters focus on strengthening position of your country in the arena of international politics. Economy chapters contain a compendium of knowledge about securing a good base for military actions and overall welfare of citizens.

In military sections you will find commentary related to all unit types available in the game and advices related to waging war. In the guide you will also find 'General advices' chapter in which you will find advices useful no matter which scenario you select and which nation you will control.

The guide to Hearts of Iron IV contains:

  • 'General advices chapter' containing information about each aspect of gameplay
  • Detailed description of game interface
  • Commentary for each playable nation
  • Explanation of basic country management mechanics
  • Useful advices related to selecting nation's strategy
  • Detailed information about technology development
  • Advices related to international trading and diplomacy
  • Description of all aspects of industry and production management
  • Advices and notes related to military actions, creating and supplying armies
  • 'Good start' chapter consisting of condensed advices for beginners and notes related to long-term expansion

The guide was created based on version (a467) of the game

Lukasz Wisniewski

About Hearts of Iron IV Game Guide

Author : Lukasz Wisniewski for gamepressure.com

last update : July 6, 2016

Guide contains : 33 pages, 233 images.

Use the comments below to submit your updates and corrections to this guide.

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Hearts of Iron IV Video Game

  • genre: Strategy
  • developer: Paradox Development Studio
  • publisher: Paradox Interactive
  • platform: PC

Hearts of Iron IV is the next installment of the popular strategy game series in which the player conducts the politics of one of the countries from the war and interwar period – the timeline of the game is set between 1936 and 1948. It is up to the player to choose the appropriate strategy and foreign policy and to keep up with enemies in the arms race of the 20th century world.
The distinguishing feature of the forth installment in the Hearts of Iron series, just like in the case of the previous releases, is the very accurate recreation of history, together with the full freedom of creating an alternate future. In Hearts of Iron IV players will meet many real historical characters of World War II (Prime Ministers, Army Commanders and other political and military figures); the armies and technologies of each country are also perfectly accurate. You will also come across countless historical events in the form of smaller quests that you can choose by yourself, which can be considered the next steps in the long journey of your country.
Just like in the previous games of the series, the players can control a country actively engaged in the war effort, like France or Great Britain; they can choose to take a back seat as one of the nations whose political situation is not as obvious as a state of open war, e.g. one of the South American countries. The developers of the game put a lot of effort into reducing the need for micromanagement – a major issue in the previous installments of the series – allowing the player to focus more on the overall strategy and worry less about the specific tactics and movements of every individual army or unit. The possibility of converging several provinces into a region was also introduced into the game, making it easier to manage different parts of your country and its newly conquered territories.

  • Paradox Development Studio - Developer Website.
  • Paradox Interactive - Publisher Website.
  • Hearts of Iron IV - Official Website.

Hearts of Iron IV PC version System Requirements

Recommended: Intel Core i3-2100 3.1 GHz/AMD Phenom II X4 850 3.3 GHz, 4 GB RAM, graphic card 1 GB GeForce GTX 560 Ti/Radeon 6850 or better, 2 GB HDD, Windows 7/8 64-bit

Minimum: Intel Core 2 Quad 9400 2.66 GHz/AMD Athlon II X4 640 3.0 GHz, 2 GB RAM, graphic card 1 GB GeForce GTX 460/Radeon HD 5770 or better, 2 GB HDD, Windows Vista/7/8

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